I get many questions about how I assemble my lunches, what products I use, etc.
So I thought I would start sharing with you my tips & tricks. Thanks for all the questions!
I love sharing my ideas and what works for me.
Air Heads Xtremes Sweetly Sour Belts!!!
I found this candy in the check out lane of my grocery store.
I personally don't care for the taste, but the kids love it!
Here are a couple ways that I've used it in my lunches.
• I used two pieces to create this little bears swimsuit. I used a small
round cookie cutter to make the arm & leg holes and neck.
• These flip flop cookies are super easy to create. They are Nutter
Butter Cookies. Just cut the Air Heads into smaller strips and sized
to fit. Add a m&m on top and you have a flip flop cookie.